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Poszukiwanie źródeł internetowych do nauczania j.angielskiego

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            Pracownia komputerowa z powodzeniem może być wykorzystywana do prowadzenia tam lekcji z wszystkich przedmiotów szkolnych a zatem do uczenia się języka angielskiego także. Wykorzystywanie sprzętu pracowni multimedialnej może mocno dynamizować proces nauczania. Nauczyciel nie musi pisać na tablicy przykładów a uczniowie nie przepisują ich do zeszytów. W czasie 45 minut lekcji przerabiają znacznie więcej przykładów, gdyż operowanie klawiaturą i myszką jest szybsze niż pisanie kredą na tablicy. Dla uczniów korzystanie w czasie lekcji z programu komputerowego do nauki języka czy z portalu internetowego w języku obcym jest czymś nowym i ciekawym. Jedna lekcja na trzy w tygodniu mogłaby być realizowana „na multimediach”, pozostałe w sali języków obcych ze sprzętem audiovideo. Ten sposób prowadzenia lekcji doskonale zdaje już egzamin w niektórych szkołach. Lekcje można prowadzić również dla całych klas, dzieląc zadania na pracę z komputerem nauczyciela wyświetlanym na dużym ekranie i prace indywidualne przy stanowiskach komputerowych.

            Lekcja języka obcego nie może być lekcją informatyki, oznacza to, że nie należy przeprowadzać jej wyłącznie przy użyciu komputera. Wszystkie multimedia z pracowni mają pomóc nauczycielowi w przedstawieniu, przekazywaniu czy wyjaśnianiu treści języka obcego (gramatyka, słownictwo, kulturoznawstwo), pomóc w kształceniu sprawności językowych (rozumienie tekstu pisanego, rozumienie mowy, pisanie i mówienie). Oznacza to, że na ławce przy komputerze uczeń ma otwarty podręcznik i zeszyt, bo zapisuje temat, notuje trudne przykłady a dodatkowo sprawdza właściwe formy w tabelach gramatycznych, które ma w książce przed sobą. Stałe dyscyplinowanie ucznia do robienia notatek, do analizowania przykładów czy proszenie o wypowiedź uczy właściwego wykorzystywania sprzętu. Na pierwszym planie powinno być ćwiczenie gramatyczne, słownikowe, tekst, jakaś informacja a nie komputer.

Dlaczego źródła internetowe są bardzo użyteczne w nauczaniu języka obcego?

Jest bardzo wiele korzyści:

- Internet dostarcza uczniom sposobności ekspozycji naturalnego języka używanego nie tylko podczas, ale także poza lekcją w szkole, stwarza możliwości poznawania codziennego życia i procesów w nim zachodzących. 
- Internet oferuje wielką różnorodność tematów satysfakcjonujących różnorodnych odbiorców.
- Informacje uzyskiwane drogą internetową są zawsze aktualizowane i modernizowane.
- używanie Internetu sprawia przyjemność, uczniowie mogą tę czynność traktować jak zabawę.
- Uzyskanie właściwych informacji jest bardzo silnie motywujące. Strony internetowe są bogate w kolory, dźwięki, zdjęcia, interaktywne formy oraz cyfrowe video klipsy.
- Używanie Internetu stało się częścią życia i nauki. Poprzez używanie Internetu uczniowie mogą rozwijać podstawowe umiejętności z zakresu informatyki np.: tworzyć strony internetowe, pisać E-maile a przede wszystkim uczyć się języka angielskiego w tym samym czasie.
- Używanie Internetu przez nauczycieli do nauczania języka angielskiego zwiększa autonomię uczniów i stwarza im możliwość samodzielnego kontynuowania nauki tego języka.

            Internet oferuje bogactwo informacji i nieograniczone źródło, z którego nauczyciele powinni nieustannie korzystać i polecać uczniom jako jeden z doskonałych sposobów nauki języka i poznawania kultury krajów anglojęzycznych i nie tyko. Opisywanie jednakże, nie jest ułatwieniem nauki języka. Uczniowie muszą mocno zaangażować się w wykonywanie zadań opracowanych do poszczególnych jednostek lekcyjnych języka angielskiego z Internetem.

            Materiały użyte podczas przeprowadzonych przeze mnie lekcji z Internetem były bardzo użyteczne dla większości uczniów. Każdy z nich mógł znaleźć interesujący go temat. Nawet uczniowie ze specyficznymi trudnościami w nauce byli mocno zaangażowani w toku lekcji.

            Oto przykładowa lekcja języka angielskiego z zastosowaniem Internetu.

Temat lekcji:             FAMOUS PEOPLE

Think of famous people for different occupations. Ask classmates about famous people you know.

Narrow the search to one famous person. Talk about your favourite famous person.

 Search for biographical information about the famous person.

Interview two classmates about famous people.

Language Window – Talking about past events.
Computer Project – create a famous person profile.


ACTOR/ACTRESS – aktor/ aktorka                            FUNNY - zabawny                         

PLACE – miejsce                                                        ATHLETE – lekkoatleta, atleta         
GREAT – wielki, wspaniały                                           POLITICIAN - polityk

BEAUTIFUL - piękny                                      HANDSOME – przystojny, postawny,

PROFILE – profil, sylwetka                                          CAREER – zawód, zajęcie, praca

IMPORTANT - ważny                                                  SINGER - piosenkarz

COOL – chłodny, fajny                                                  INTELLIGENT - inteligentny          

SKILLFUL – wprawny                                                 COMEDIAN - komik         

KNOWLEDGEABLE – dobrze poinformowany            TALENTED - utalentowany

FILM DIRECTOR – reżyser filmowy                 OCCUPATION – zawód, zajęcie WONDERFUL - cudowny


1. Introduce the topic of the lesson to students. Tel them that this unit is about famous people, people who are well-known all over the world. Invite students to name some famous people in their country. Ask students what these people are famous for. If you have time, write some of the names and occupations that students provide you with on the board.

2. Now tell students they will think about famous people and choose their fovourite one. Then they will find information about their favourite famous person on the Web and share their information with their classmates.

3. Ask students if they can recognize the person in the art (Celine Dion). Students may have difficulty pronouncing her name, so it is a good idea to practice saying it with students.

4. Ask other questions related to the art.
For example, ask:

·       What is this person famous for?
·       Can you name any of her songs?
·       Do you like her songs?
·       What kind of information do you think you could find on the website?
·       Have you ever visited a famous person’s website?


1. Review the vocabulary in the occupations list and ask students to write the name of at least one famous person for each occupation (at least one of the famous people in each occupation should be from an English speaking country or internationally famous).

2. At this point, you may want to walk around the classroom offering help, as many students may be having difficulty with the spelling of some of the English – language names.

Look at the occupations below. Write the names of a famous person for each occupation.

         OCCUPATIONS                            FAMOUS PEOPLE

1.  singer                                                  1. Celine Dion
2.  athlete                                                 2. ...............................
3.  comedian                                            3. ...............................
4.  actor/actress                                       4. ................................
5. film director                                          5. ................................
6. politician                                                6. ..........................................

Pair work. When students have finished their writing task, ask them to compare their answers with a classmate’s using th emodel dialog for guidance.

Take some time to ask students about some of the famous people they wrote. For example, ask students:
  • Can you name a famous actor or actress?
  • Can you name a famous athlete?
  • Can you name a famous comedian?

Invite a couple of students to answer each of your questions. If possible write some of the names on the board. In this way students will be exposed to a large number of famous people, widening their repertoire and getting some ideas for the next sections of the unit.

Compare your answer with a partner.

-         Can you name a famous singer?
-         Hmm, Celine Dion. Do you know her?
-         Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.


Ask students to complete the chart by writing the names of the three favourite famous people and their occupations, It is a good idea to walk around the class while students are working in the case they need help with spelling unfamiliar names. Encourage students to ask if they are unsure about how to spell certain names.

Think of three of your favourite famous people. Write their names and occupations below.

         FAMOUS PEOPLE                       OCCUPATIONS

1.                                                    1.
2.                                                    2.
3.                                                    3.

Now ask students to choose one of their famous people that they would like to search and write this person’s name and occupation in the box provided.

Now choose one the names above to research. Fill in the information below.

My favourite famous person is ..............................................................
He (She) is a (an) ...................................................................................

Ask students to discus their choice with a classsmate using the model dialog provided as a guide. Introduce the vocabulary in the word box and explain any unfamiliar vocabulary.

Now talk about your choice with a classmate.

-         What famous person did you choose?
-         I chose Celine Dion, the famous singer.
-         Why is she your favourite?
-         I think she is really great.

- What famous person did you choose?
- I chose Princess Diana.
                                               - Why is she your favourite?
                                               - I think she was really beautiful.


cool           handsome           beautiful             knowledgeable
great           talented               funny                   skillful
wonderful                    important                     intelligent



1. Now that each student has decided who is his/her favourite famous person, it is time for the Web search. Before writing the keyboards they will use for the Web search. Ask students to write their keywords in the box and make sure they have spelled the name correctly.

Using the name of the famous person as keywords should be enough for successful Web search. However, if the famous person has a common name(e.g., Paul Smith), then advise students to include the occupation of the famous person along with the name (e.g.,Paul Smith designer).



Look for information about your favourite famous person. Do a search using the person’s name and biography as keywords for the search. Be sure to spell the name correctly.

Celine Dion biography


 Review the chart in part D and explain any unfamiliar vocabulary so that students will have a good idea of what they are looking for in a website.Tell students that, when they do the Web search, they have to look for specific information in order to complete the chart. Explain that under Family Information students need to find out if the famous person is married or not, if he/she has any brothers and sisters, etc. Explain that under Interesting Information students should write at least one piece of interesting information about their famous person (e.g., how many languages this famous person can speak, any special events that happened in this person’s life).


3. Ask students to open their browser, go to their favourite search engine, type the keywords carefully, and then search the Web.

When students get their first page of results ask them to scan the results looking for websites that are “official”. Ask students to explore the contests of the selected sites.


Explore two or three websites you found about your favourite famous person.
Celine Dion
Official site from Sony

Celine Dion La Voix
Biography, photos, discography, concerts, and more

After students have explored the websites, ask them to write the name and URL of the one that provides the most interesting information.

Now choose the best website and fill in the information below.

Famous person website ............................................................
URL ..........................................................................................


Ask students to use information from the website in order to complete the chart about the famous person.

Now use the information in the website to fill in as much information as you can in the following chart.

My Favourite Famous Person

Name .............................................................................................
Occupation ....................................................................................
Date of birth ......................... Place of Birth ................................
Interests ........................................................................................
Family Information .......................................................................
Career History ................................................................................
Interesting Information ...................................................................
Reason for Choosing this Person .....................................................


Group work. Interview two classmates about the famous people they researched, and write the answers in the charts. Use the language below to help you and aswer questions.

                   QUESTIONS                                  ANSWERS

1. What is her/his name?                             Her name is Celine DION.
2. What does she /he do?                                     She is a singer.
3. How old is she/he?                                 She is ............... years old.
4. What is her/his date of birth?                            It is March 30, 1968.
5. Where was she/he born?                                   She was born in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada.
6. What are her/his interests?                                Golf, shopping, and collecting shoes.
7. Tell me about her /his family.                            She has got thirteen brothers and sisters.
8. Tell me about her/his career history.         She started singing when she was five.
9. Is there any other interesting information?  She does humanitarian work.

10. Why did you choose this person?             She is a wonderful singer and ......

STUDENT 1                                                  STUDENT 2

Name.......................................                  Name ...........................................
Occupation .............................                   Occupation ..................................
Age ........................................                   Age .............................................
Date of birth ..............................                Date of birth ................................
Place of birth .................................            Place of birth ................................
Interests ........................................            Interests .......................................
Family Information .........................            Family Information .....................
Career History ................................           Career History .............................
...........................................................       .......................................................
Interesting Information ....................           Interesting Information .................
...........................................................       ........................................................
Reason for choosing this person........         Reason for choosing the person .....
............................................................      .........................................................
............................................................      ..........................................................

When students finish their interviews, ask them to look at the classmates’ answers in the chart and decide which of the famous people they would like to meet and why. Ask them to write their answers.

Now look at your classmates’ answers. Answer the questions.

1. Which of these famous people would you like to meet? .................................................................................................................
2. Why? .................................................................................................................

1. of links to famous pop and rock artists.

2. Database of over 20,000 biographies of famous personalities.

3. Biographical iformation of a list famous people.

4. Famous Actresses Links: Links to pictures, biography, filmography.

5.Biography Sites: Over 20,000 short biographies of famous people, both living and dead. Biographical dictionary contains more than 25,000 notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day.

6. Artically Correct: List of some famous artists (painters, sculptors, etc.).

7. CelebSites: The source for celebrity links and information.

8. Webfind Movies: Celebrity: limksto celebrities, official sites, fansites.

9. Lycos Guide to Celebrities

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